EDUCATION & Training

academic programs

Doctoral Program

Students can earn a Doctoral degree with a concentration in Biomedical Sciences in the Physiology & Functional Genomics Concentration.

students on computer

academic programs

Online Masters

Students can earn a Master’s degree with a concentration in Physiology and Functional Genomics or Gerontology.

Certificate Photo

Academic programs

Online Certificates

Students can a graduate certificate in Medical Physiology, Medical Physiology with a specialization in Cardiovascular/Renal Physiology or Aging and Geriatric Practice.

Muscle Walk Group

Academic Programs

Post-Doctoral Training

Postdoctoral fellows will be provided a tailored career development and mentoring opportunity in a robust research environment.

Monica Santisteban, PhD



Research/Centers and Programs

View exciting research from our faculty!

Research faculty in the Department of Physiology and Aging at the University of Florida are engaged in innovative projects covering a variety of interests through our centers, labs and collaborations with other departments.

Research Block Image

Our faculty in the press

Podcasts and Videos!

Listen to some of our faculty discuss their current and future research interests.

Department faculty

Meet Our Faculty!

Faculty in the Department of Physiology and Aging are engaging in cutting-edge research and using active learning techniques to teach students at all levels of collegiate learning.

group of people

recent News

Helen Jones


Ground breaking research from Dr Helen Jones' lab gets spotlight

UF Health developing first treatment for placental growth restriction during pregnancy. Congratulations to Dr Helen Jones and her team on this remarkable achievement!



Research to treat placenta could improve human pregnancies

Dr. Helen Jones collaborates with University of Wisconsin Madison's Wisconsin National Primate Research Center on a gene therapy approach to boosting the placenta is safe in monkeys.

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UF CoM Exemplary Teachers 2024

Congrats to our awardees from both Anatomy & Cell Biology and Physiology & Aging!

2023 IFPA Conference

The International Federation of Placenta Associations held their Annual IFPA Conference the first week of September in Rotorua, New Zealand. Dr…

IFPA 2023 Conference

community events

Run for the springs!

Dr. Karyn Esser's lab participate in the 10th annual springs run.

Esser Lab Springs Run 2025